slip away

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slip away

  1. edetä, mennä eteenpäin, jatkua, kulua, siirtää eteenpäin, jatkaa, siirtyä eteenpäin, kulkea eteenpäin, lähteä pois, vieriä, mennä, hurahtaa, lentää, hävitä, pujahtaa pois, hiipiä pois, luikahtaa pois, livahtaa tiehensä, livahtaa pois, hiippailla ulos.

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pujahtaa pois

kulua To leave a place, or a meeting, without being noticed

Im going to try to slip away from work early, if I can.''

1906, w:Edith Nesbit|Edith Nesbit, s:The Railway Children/Chapter 4|The Railway Children, Chapter 4: The engine-burglar,
But when Bobbie crept down later to bring up her presents--for she felt she really could not be separated from them all night--Mother was not writing, but leaning her head on her arms and her arms on the table. I think it was rather good of Bobbie to slip quietly away, saying over and over, "She doesn't want me to know she's unhappy, and I won't know; I won't know." But it made a sad end to the birthday.
(of time) to pass quickly, almost unnoticed.

The months slipped away and became years.

(of an advantage) To disappear.

When Liverpool scored a third goal, their hopes of winning slipped away forever.

To die

He slipped away quietly in his sleep.


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